Salon Articrea

09-15 Sep. 2024

Attending the Articrea Fair not only allows you to discover authentic and unique products, but also strengthens your market position by expanding your network of partners and optimizing your purchases. It is an opportunity not to be missed for any professional looking to enhance their offerings with high-quality artisanal products while forging lasting partnerships with the best Tunisian artisans:

− Discover 100% authentic Tunisian products  

− Direct access to the best Tunisian artisans and creators 

− Opportunities for customization and bespoke orders 

− Optimization of your purchases and supplies 

Dates & Hours


Exhibition Reserved for Professionals

Free access for holders of an entry pass ordered online beforehand or in possession of an invitation card.

Save the Date

09-15 Sep. 2024

At the Kram Exhibition Park - Tunis

Save the date for our upcoming ArtiCréa event and don't miss the chance to discover the best of Tunisian craftsmanship. Stay tuned for more information on the date and location of our next edition !

GPS Coordinates

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